

​ GitHub是一个面向开源及私有软件项目的托管平台,因为只支持git 作为唯一的版本库格式进行托管,故名GitHub。GitHub对广大的开发者来说是个巨大的宝库,在GitHub上我们可以学习众多大佬优秀的思想以及他们所建造的轮子,同时也可以记录和分享自己的技术和经验。想要更好的使用GitHub这个宝库,那么学会GitHub的高级检索功能就显得至关重要。

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About searching on GitHub
Use our powerful search tools to find what you’re looking for among the many repositories, users, and lines of code on GitHub.


Searching for repositories
You can search for repositories on GitHub and narrow the results using these repository search qualifiers in any combination.

Qualifier Example
in:name jquery in:name matches repositories with “jquery” in their name.
in:description jquery in:name,description matches repositories with “jquery” in their name or description.
in:readme jquery in:readme matches repositories mentioning “jquery” in their README file.
repo:owner/name repo:octocat/hello-world matches a specific repository name.
user:USERNAME user:defunkt forks:>100 matches repositories from @defunkt that have more than 100 forks.
org:ORGNAME org:github matches repositories from GitHub.
size:n size:1000 matches repositories that are 1 MB exactly.size:>=30000 matches repositories that are at least 30 MB.size:<50 matches repositories that are smaller than 50 KB.size:50..120 matches repositories that are between 50 KB and 120 KB.
followers:n node followers:>=10000 matches repositories with 10,000 or more followers mentioning the word “node”. styleguide linter followers:1..10 matches repositories with between 1 and 10 followers, mentioning the word “styleguide linter.”
forks:n forks:5 matches repositories with only five forks.forks:>=205 matches repositories with at least 205 forks.forks:<90 matches repositories with fewer than 90 forks.forks:10..20 matches repositories with 10 to 20 forks.
stars:n stars:500 matches repositories with exactly 500 stars.stars:10..20 matches repositories 10 to 20 stars, that are smaller than 1000 KB.stars:>=500 fork:true language:php matches repositories with the at least 500 stars, including forked ones, that are written in PHP.
created:YYYY-MM-DD webos created:<2011-01-01 matches repositories with the word “webos” that were created before 2011.
pushed:YYYY-MM-DD css pushed:>2013-02-01 matches repositories with the word “css” that were pushed to after January pushed:>=2013-03-06 fork:only matches repositories with the word “case” that were pushed to on or after March 6th, 2013, and that are forks.
language:LANGUAGE rails language:javascript matches repositories with the word “rails” that are written in JavaScript.
topic:TOPIC topic:jekyll matches repositories that have been classified with the topic “jekyll.”
topics:n topics:5 matches repositories that have five topics.topics:>3 matches repositories that have more than three topics.
license:LICENSE_KEYWORD license:apache-2.0 matches repositories that are licensed under Apache License 2.0.
is:public is:public org:github matches repositories owned by GitHub that are public.
is:private is:private pages matches private repositories you have access to and that contain the word “pages.”
mirror:true mirror:true GNOME matches repositories that are mirrors and contain the word “GNOME.”
mirror:false mirror:false GNOME matches repositories that are not mirrors and contain the word “GNOME.”
archived:true archived:true GNOME matches repositories that are archived and contain the word “GNOME.”
archived:false archived:false GNOME matches repositories that are not archived and contain the word “GNOME.”
good-first-issues:>n good-first-issues:>2 javascript matches repositories with more than two issues labeled good-first-issue and that contain the word “javascript.”
help-wanted-issues:>n help-wanted-issues:>4 react matches repositories with more than four issues labeled help-wanted and that contain the word “React.”

GitHub上按“shift + /”即可查看支持的快捷键,在项目中按”t”可以快速搜索文件。



GitHub Trending:了解各种不同开发语言的每天/周/月的最热门的 Repositories 和 Developers。


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